May 16, 2011
Welcome Spring! It's been busy at The Grass and The Big Elephant since the weather broke. We are happy to see all of our friends. We closed out winter and welcome spring with our new salads: Heirloom Salad with heirloom (locally grown when available) tomatoes, baby greens, fresh mozzarella, and a basil, garlic and pine nut vinaigrette.
April 26, 2011
I just returned from NYC and DC and have some great ideas for our new menu. International food items are everywhere as our world is getting smaller by the day. The great Chefs of these great cities are utilizing the Asian influence which of course please me very much.
April 12, 2011
After the last blog I wanted to touch on the quality of our food products and how we maintain them. I could go on for hours on this topic but everyone keeps telling me "Enough already! We want to hear about the fun stuff. What new dishes are you working on?
March 9, 2011
My last blog post about customers' online reviews of the restaurant only talked about sushi and hamburgers! But it's more important to talk about price. Almost 50% of the reviews on Yelp suggest that our prices are quite high or expensive. Is this fair? Maybe, maybe not. Let's look at Lemon Grass as a fine dining restaurant. This is an average nice meal:
March 3, 2011
My daughter told me to check my reviews. I told her we have gotten about 48 great reviews from the local newspapers and our 11 international awards are still hanging on the wall. She said "No, your customer's internet reviews.
March 1, 2011
Sorry I haven't posted a blog in a while. Between the craziness of Dining Week(s) and Ali's computer going down its been tough to find the time.
We are so grateful to all those who came out to try our cuisine during Dining Week. Its been a record breaking twelve days for us. We were up about 30% from last year's Dining Week(s).
February 9, 2011
Have you ever felt your pulse beating slower and slower until you can barely feel you heart move? That's how it was last week at The Grass. The first few weeks in February before Valentine's Day are always slow but this year hit a new low. All the staff and I are really looking forward to this weekend, Valentine's Day and the next few weeks of Dining Week.
February 2, 2011
For the next few weeks I will try to blog two times a week. One will be about my trip and the other will keep you up to date about whats going on at the Grass.
I have returned from my trip refreshed and ready to get back in the kitchen. Before I went to Thailand I was experimenting with some new dishes.
January 31, 2011
So I'm back in Syracuse just in time for the arctic weather. It is winter in Thailand right now too. They also were experiencing extremely cold temperatures. The whole time I was there it didn't get over 93 degrees! And the cold 75 degree nights were frigid for most of the Thais. Ha ha I can't believe it everyone over there was wearing sweaters and complaining about how cold it was. It was nice to thaw out for a while!
December 31, 2010
This will be my last blog of the year. I will post again in early February. For the month of January Pook and I will be traveling to Southeast Asia to finish some family business in Thailand where we will stay for several days.
December 28, 2010
I haven't given up or forgotten about my blog, I've just been too busy... actually I just haven't had much to write about!
I've been working with my staff on some new lunch and dinner menu items. So far we've added Ka Num Kruk, a pureed risotto cup to the appetizers. For entrees we've added Olive Fried Rice
November 24, 2010
Le Beaujolais est arrivé!
Every November on the third Thursday of the month a new young wine arrives from France. The very first year we were open we decided this was a tradition worth celebrating. In 1991 we began our Beaujolais Party with a glass of Beaujolais Nouveau for $4.50 a glass.